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  • Distemper (Panleukopenia) in Cats Open link in new window
    Feline distemper, caused by a parvovirus, is a life-threatening disease. The virus is considered ubiquitous, meaning it is in virtually every place that is not regularly disinfected. The infection is highly contagious among unvaccinated cats, usually kittens and young adult cats living in groups. Barn cats, feral colonies, animal shelter groups, pet stores, and rescue facilities are high risk for outbreaks.
  • Subcutaneous Fluids Can Be Given at Home for Dogs and Cats Open link in new window
    Lots of animals require extra fluids, either temporarily or indefinitely, to insure that they receive adequate hydration. The technique is simple, but sometimes daunting to the beginner. Here is a pictured guide to assist with the learning experience of giving subcutaneous fluids to your pet at home.
  • Prazosin Open link in new window
    The two most common uses for prazosin are to reduce high blood pressure and to relax the urinary sphincter.
  • Bedinvetmab (Librela™) Open link in new window
    Bedinvetmab (LibrelaTM) is indicated for the relief of osteoarthritis pain in dogs. 
  • 5 Steps to Successfully Housetrain Your Puppy or Adult Dog Open link in new window
    Are you searching for tips to help you house train your new puppy? Find those tips here. 
  • Laryngeal Paralysis in Dogs Open link in new window
    Laryngeal paralysis results when the abductor muscles of the larynx cannot work properly. This means no expanding and opening of the larynx for a deep breath; the laryngeal folds simply flop weakly and flaccidly. This means that when one needs a deep breath, one does not get one. This can create tremendous anxiety (imagine attempting to take a deep breath and finding that you simply cannot). Anxiety leads to more rapid breathing and more distress. A respiratory crisis from the partial obstruction can emerge creating an emergency and even death.
  • Meningioma in Dogs and Cats Open link in new window
    Meningioma is the most common brain tumor of cats and dogs. Meningiomas are generally benign. In dogs, seizures are the most common sign. In cats, signs are more vague and consist of listlessness and behavior changes.
  • Cannabis Toxicity in Pets Open link in new window
    Cannabis generally refers to the products of the Cannabis sativa plant, commonly known as marijuana and has been safely used medically for centuries.
  • Health and Husbandry of Mice Open link in new window
    A well-outfitted mouse home includes numerous items for play and enrichment
  • Hydrocephalus (Water on the Brain) in Dogs and Cats Open link in new window
    This condition literally means "water head" and is more commonly referred to as water on the brain. The central nervous system is bathed in cerebrospinal fluid that is secreted by chambers inside the brain. When fluid builds up, there is no room in the brain for extra volume and disaster can result. This condition is particularly common in dome-headed puppies.

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The same folks who provide Veterinary Partner® also offer a blog called VetzInsight. Rather than explain what occurs in a disease process and how to treat it - which Veterinary Partner® offers - our goal is not only to inform on larger issues but to tap into the numerous emotions at play within the human-animal bond. We're here to learn and have fun. If you're interested in learning more about a broader look at veterinary medicine, the veterinarians, the clients, and the patients, VetzInsight is a great learning experience.

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VIN News Service was created in 2008 as the news media arm of the Veterinary Information Network, the largest online information service devoted to veterinary medicine. Since 1991, VIN has served as a community where colleagues connect to share medical cases and their experiences navigating life, business and the profession. VIN is for veterinarians, by veterinarians. The VIN News Service, like VIN, is advertiser-free, supported by the dues of VIN members.

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